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The leader of technology strategy, policies & R&D

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Technical Lead 

The techy who loves to lead a team but still wants to be close the code

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The person with the engineer mind but an eye for performance and automation. 

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Data Scientist 

The oracle of knowledge and guru of numbers

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Cyber Security 

Protector of cyber data and fighter against cyber attacks & hackers

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Delivery Lead

A project manager at heart, who follows the Agile principles & fundementals

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The visionary, the crafts man or woman that forms the foundations for something epic

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The preventer of mistakes and key holder to deployment

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Data Analyst

Cloud planning, design, build, execution and support 

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With their head in the clouds they are responsible for cloud planning, design, build, execution and support 

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Engineering Manager 

The techy that now loves leading & building high performing engineering teams

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Software Engineer 

The builder and creator of great scalable software

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Systems Analyst 

The problem solver 

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Security Engineer 

Protector of networks and keeper of firewalls 

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Agile Coach/Scrum Master 

Facilitator, empower of teams and conduit between business & tech

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